This changeable lizard was spotted in Hall 4's carpark, sunbathing on top of the branches of a Hongkong orchid tree.
Changeable lizards can change their colours quite rapidly while not as rapidly as chameleons. From this picture, you can see how the colour of the lizard matches that of the branch on which it stood. If I'm not wrong, we do not have chameleons in Singapore in the wild. Many people still seem to mistaken the changeable lizards commonly seen in Singapore for chameleons though, despite the various differences.
Changeable are usually spotted in brown, grey or olive hues with speckles or bands, but can also be seen in other colours such as bright green. Did you know that their colour changes may actually reflect their moods? Pretty interesting, right? Now I wonder what colour they would be when they're happy... What do you think?
During the breeding season, the male's head and shoulders turns bright orange to crimson and his throat black.
You may read more about them here: http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/verts/changeable_lizard.htm
Changeable lizards are a pretty common sight within our garden campus. You just need a keen eye to spot them especially since they are so well hidden most of the times. So, if you'll like to take a photo of them too, keep a look out for them when they're out during the sunny hours of the day and don't forget to share your pictures with us! Just send it to earthlink-actmgr@ntu.edu.sg. We'll love to see them.