In the year 2006, Earthlink NTU and NIE Green Club together initiated the activity--Nature Walk in Yunnan Garden. We aimed to bring together the nature lovers within the campus and explore the nature beauties around. We chose Yunnan Garden as our first guiding place, as this garden had over 30 species of flora and also an intriguing history since 1950s. Then we trained nature guides from our very own student volunteers. Thanks to the hard work of our nature guides, we had conduct 3 nature walks successfully during the first half of the year 2007. Especially, we appreciated the help from experienced nature guides, such as Ms. Yap Swee Cheng and Dr. Shawn Lum.
For the next stage, we would like to expand our guiding walks not only to the whole campus but also places outside NTU. We hope our efforts will recall the importance of the nature.
Photos of the past Nature Walks

Yunnan Garden, with over 30 kinds of flora
and an intriguing history since 1950s
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